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Tags: jurisdictional opendata civictech
Status: release
Date: 2011-05-10

DemocracyMap: Use Cases

I want to find all the Jurisdictional information and governance (governing boards, agencies, and elected positions) that pertains to me.

I want to see a map with my location highlighted.

I want to see all the jurisdictions that apply to me (or a specific address, ie: my business).

I want to see all the jurisdictions on a map.

I want to see budgets for all those agencies. I want to know how sustainable my government is.

I want to know how to get involved with my government.

I want to know to to improve my local environment, community, and life.

Enter an address to cause the following lookups: * geocoding * mapping * jurisdiction lookup * agency * governing board * elected position


Enter an address in a search form, like /search?q=300 Hemlock St. 95688

The Search Controller will read the address query, then geocode that address, then lookup the features for that address, then lookup the information from DMap.