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Tags: design desk furniture sketchup
Status: release
Date: 2009-09-02

Sketching-up a Desk

In the fall of 2009, just before Andria and I were married, I designed this desk using Google Sketchup, a 3d modeling software tool.

Originally, it was a 1 sided desk for me. I wanted to incorporate a drafting table, a place for a computer tower [Update Dec 2009 - I no longer need a computer tower].

The basic shape of the desk made it easy to transform into a shared workspace; something Andria and I could both use.

I contacted a local carpenter in Vacaville who quoted me $1000-$1500 to fabricate the desk from standard pine or maple wood. I didn't pursue it.

  • update2: I have yet to create the desk, and honestly, I'd probably make a few updates: more modularity in construction, more specific use of materials, repurpose or remove the space for the computer tower. I'd like to have a space for post-it notes, pencils, pens, and markers. A dry-erase board might be cool to add as an underlay to a glass table top - so you could see the dry-erase board through the top.

  • update3: March 2013 - I recently bought a Jesper, electric standup/sitdown desk from Scandinavian Designs.