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Tags: cloud programming
Status: release
Date: 2016-01-29

Notes on Pivotal Cloud Foundry


I've recently become acquainted with Pivotal Web Services (PWS) - or more specifically, Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF). I've racked up quite a monthly bill running a few apps on Heroku with SSL. It's been worth it - its JTBD is DevOps - and I'm willing to pay for it. Pivotal Web Services is a hosted version of the open source Cloud Foundry platform, and is provides similar PaaS functionality.

This post documents some of the resources I read getting a Rails and Ember application running with PostGIS, in the cloud.

Learning the Ropes

PCF has a command line tool, cf, which is similar to Heroku's heroku. cf push pushes the current working folder to a location that is specified in a manifest.yml file.


Heroku's buildpack outlines a few things, including a postInstall script in package.json that calls /bin/heroku_install. Turns out, Heroku doesn't really require it, but PCF did.

I also ran into an issue around Heroku's Multi Buildpack and discovered while it currently does work in PCF, a change has been made that has yet to be deployed, and the change will break the Multi Buildpack that I'm currently using. A workaround for my very-specific ember-cli-rails issue is TBD.


Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF)

Spring, a Java development framework


When deploying a worker, make sure manifest.yml has:

no-route: true and set-health-check: none

Note: Disable Health Check for a Worker Application

cf set-health-check app-name none